Your decision to go down the route of painted furniture is likely to be the result of a home re-decoration. Because when you change your home's decorative look everything can be up for grabs. Consequently you might consider new Dulux emulsion colours, satinwood or eggshell for your internal door frames and perhaps even new carpets and curtains. It really can be all change.
And finally when everything is done you realise that your old pine furniture looks a bit dated. However, it's not really. Since it's still perfect in terms of size, shape, dimensions and storage capacity. But it's the wrong colour! As every other colour in your home might have changed yet your furniture is still brown.

Painted Furniture For A New Look
For many people that might lead to a new furniture purchase. However that might not work. Because the supply of new furniture colours will always be limited. So, painting your furniture has one huge advantage. It's entirely personal.
If you want French Gray painted furniture, that's fine, as you can paint your furniture with any Farrow and Ball colour. And if you want a Pale Powder desk, then you can have it, as it's your choice. And that of course is the huge bonus of furniture that's painted. Consequently your choice of furniture paints and finish is limited only by your imagination.
All Your Painted Furniture Choices
Limed Look
Limed look furniture is always popular and is ideal for pine furniture without too much detail. We offer a subtle mix of a chalky lime look with an Annie Sloan wax finish.
Two-Tone Look
Your can also choose two-tone painted furniture for your home, not least because it's very hard wearing, distinctive and very fashionable..
Full Painted Furniture
A choice of fully-painted furniture is always popular and is ideal for furniture in every room in your home.
Why Choose Painted Furniture?
Re-style your home:
When you select a painted look for your furniture you'll quickly and easily re-style your home in exactly the way you want.
Your choice of colour:
You have thousands of colours from which to choose so why not think about the many options you now have to create the look you want.
Your choice of finish:
An eggshell finish or a satinwood look, perhaps? Or how about a matt chalk appearance, perhaps with a wax finish. Yes, you really do have plenty of finishes.
Step by step painting:
You can always choose furniture for painting one room at a time, so you don't miss all that storage space when it's being painted.
Thus, when you're ready for some painted furniture in your re-styled home, then please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Let's Get In Touch
Contact Details
Please don't hesitate to get in touch for shabby chic and furniture painting advice.
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07766 225329
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